Cloudflare Establishes Data Centers in Pakistan


Cloudflare has recently established three new data centers in the major cities of Pakistan i.e. Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Cloudfare is a content delivery network (CDN) that powers 10% of internet requests overall; serves content to 2.8 billion people 24/7, and has 8 million internet websites and services.

The establishment of these data centers in Pakistan has resulted in latency per request decreasing by over 3x and as much as 150ms which means everyone’s favorite websites, online apps and services will load much quicker than ever. Moreover, online games like Fortnite etc will also see a huge decrease in online lag from now on. According to Cloudfare the numbers are expected to further improve since they are still tuning routing for their customers.

The move has come forward as a result of the agreement between PTCL and Cloudflare, where the telecom company recently signed Cloudflare as their Content Delivery Network to its list of internationally renowned global CDNs.

Furthermore, Akamai another CDN is also in a strategic partnership agreement with PTCL to help them serve the people of Pakistan with better internet.


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