Technology Turning Human Minds Dumber


Something has changed the attitude, behavior and everything in human kind. ‘To be everywhere is to be nowhere’ is a saying of a Roman philosopher Seneca. Today the same practice is prevailing in the world. The concept of multitasking has been changed with the technological revolution. The term multitasking refers to performing tasks successfully in the same period of time effectively and efficiently. But people think using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, chatting with people, and completing your assignment, at the same time is multitasking. They try to complete tasks subsequently, along with failures and claim themselves as multitaskers.

The technological revolution have changed entirety. Everything in this world has a darker side. Where technology has made our life convenient, it created a million problems. Leaving behind this big beautiful world, everyone is limited to Smartphones, tablets, PCs, social networking and stuff.

Our thinking is confined to the screens of smart technologies. While, sitting in professional meetings, attending lectures, walking on road side, having food and even in bathrooms people use them. Today, we avoid having conversation in real life. If a person is right in front, we avoid having conversation, giving importance to people far away.

The concept of outdoor activities is eliminated. We don’t want to go to summer camping because the northern areas of Pakistan are quite boring. We are happy with the app called Beautiful Pakistan. Isn’t this dumb?

It is taking the economy towards recession. When an organization will bring in advance equipment and replace it with employees, this will directly cause unemployment. Breadwinners of families will be replaced, and it will cause poverty. Though it is contributing much in flourishing the economy but still these are such issues that cannot be neglected at all.

These inventions are affecting the toddlers as well. The percentage of children of ages 4 to 8 using spectacles has increased rapidly in few years. Why is that so? Older ones of 80’s and 90’s still don’t use spectacles. 

Only 25 years ago, World Wide Web was developed. But we are so, addicted to it as if we were born with these smart technologies. We are so much swayed by it, to wake up early we need to set alarm, to memorize something we need reminders, memos, keep notes on calendar. Even for small calculations we are dependent on calculator. Our minds are not even performing such tiny tasks. 

Not just this, our physical health is also at risk. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, electric stoves, automated door locks, dish washers, usage of cars for short distances, all these practices have taken us far from physical exercise. Due to which diseases like cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes etc, have taken birth.

All I can conclude is, today we are controlled by machines. If they become smarter than human beings, people will become their slave. It can be observed by our addiction to the continuous use and not caring about the surrounding, which results falling in unfavorable situations. As Gertrude Stein said ‘Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.’ 

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