Pak-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry to Establish Joint Technology Forum


Mr. S.M. Naveed, President of the Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry, recently expressed his views on the need for technology leaders to be involved in order for Pakistan to produce market-ready research-backed products, and how the Chinese could play a significant role on the backend. This was discussed in a Zoom conference with a five-person Chinese delegation from Jinan Technology University.

Zhang Xiuhong, Xiao Jing, Zhang Min, and Wang Li were among the members who expressed their ideas and suggestions for international cooperation as a critical component of learning globally recognised best practises.

Mr. Wang Li pioneered the idea of forming collaborations with foreign technology giants to give new chances for aspiring scholars and entrepreneurs. CPEC, on the other hand, will benefit Pakistan in terms of knowledge, economy, and aims in this regard.

Mr. Daud Ahmed, Senior Vice President of the PCJCCI, also emphasised the PCJCCI’s ambitions to establish technological parks across the country where Chinese technology will play a significant role.

Overall, all parties agreed to establish a proper forum in order to bring new technological developments to Pakistan and China.

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